COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

On the Road Film Festival – Call for Entries 2017

ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL. Call for Entries and Regulations 2017. Deadlines: Early-bird (30% off) May 31, 2017; Regular, September 9, 2017. OTRFF is an “on the Road” and crossing-borders Independent Film Festival which is historically organised as an event with a wandering location for the screenings in independent and unusual places in Rome and in Lazio. The Festival traces an harmonious path for the International Independent Cinema with previews and unpublished works connected with the journey, with the wandering geographies, with nomadics, with digressions from fixed paths and meanderings.

mer 3 giu Squola di Babele (La Cour de Babel) di Julie Bertuccelli

L’Istituto Grange-aux-Belles di Parigi, classe di accoglienza. Un gruppo di ragazzi tra gli undici e i quindici anni si ritrova insieme per imparare il francese. Arrivano da Guinea, Bielorussia, Irlanda, Serbia, Venezuala, Senegal, Cina, Libia. Scappano dalla crisi, dai neo nazisti, dall’infibulazione, dalla povertà, dalla solitudine, dalla mancanza di un futuro. Al termine dell’anno, i loro progressi decideranno in quale classe della scuola “normale” verranno inseriti. La regista Julie Bertuccelli, però, non racconta una storia triste, ma è capace di cogliere prima di tutto l’entusiasmo di quest’avventura agli inizi, le soddisfazioni più che le delusioni, le passioni più forti delle timidezze. Un film che dell’esperienza scolastica, spesso data per scontata o subìta passivamente, ricorda opportunità e privilegi, e che apre il dibattito sull’importanza delle classi (rigorosamente temporanee) di accoglienza, che possano fare da ponte per accompagnare per mano i giovani stranieri all’interno di gruppi di coetanei già chiusi e omologati. // Fra: Ils viennent d’arriver en France. Ils sont Irlandais, Serbes, Brésiliens, Tunisiens, Chinois ou Sénégalais… Pendant un an, Julie Bertuccelli a filmé les échanges, les conflits et les joies de ce groupe de collégiens âgés de 11 à 15 ans, réunis dans une même classe d’accueil pour apprendre le français. Dans ce petit théâtre du monde s’expriment l’innocence, l’énergie et les contradictions de ces adolescents qui, animés par le même désir de changer de vie, remettent en cause beaucoup d’idées reçues sur la jeunesse et l’intégration et nous font espérer en l’avenir…

mar 26 / mer 27 mag ore 21.00 Squola di Babele (La Cour de Babel) di Julie Bertuccelli

L’Istituto Grange-aux-Belles di Parigi, classe di accoglienza. Un gruppo di ragazzi tra gli undici e i quindici anni si ritrova insieme per imparare il francese. Arrivano da Guinea, Bielorussia, Irlanda, Serbia, Venezuala, Senegal, Cina, Libia. Scappano dalla crisi, dai neo nazisti, dall’infibulazione, dalla povertà, dalla solitudine, dalla mancanza di un futuro. Al termine dell’anno, i loro progressi decideranno in quale classe della scuola “normale” verranno inseriti. La regista Julie Bertuccelli, però, non racconta una storia triste, ma è capace di cogliere prima di tutto l’entusiasmo di quest’avventura agli inizi, le soddisfazioni più che le delusioni, le passioni più forti delle timidezze. Un film che dell’esperienza scolastica, spesso data per scontata o subìta passivamente, ricorda opportunità e privilegi, e che apre il dibattito sull’importanza delle classi (rigorosamente temporanee) di accoglienza, che possano fare da ponte per accompagnare per mano i giovani stranieri all’interno di gruppi di coetanei già chiusi e omologati. // Fra: Ils viennent d’arriver en France. Ils sont Irlandais, Serbes, Brésiliens, Tunisiens, Chinois ou Sénégalais… Pendant un an, Julie Bertuccelli a filmé les échanges, les conflits et les joies de ce groupe de collégiens âgés de 11 à 15 ans, réunis dans une même classe d’accueil pour apprendre le français. Dans ce petit théâtre du monde s’expriment l’innocence, l’énergie et les contradictions de ces adolescents qui, animés par le même désir de changer de vie, remettent en cause beaucoup d’idées reçues sur la jeunesse et l’intégration et nous font espérer en l’avenir…

sab 23 mag h19.30 / h21.30 Squola di Babele (La Cour de Babel) di Julie Bertuccelli

L’Istituto Grange-aux-Belles di Parigi, classe di accoglienza. Un gruppo di ragazzi tra gli undici e i quindici anni si ritrova insieme per imparare il francese. Arrivano da Guinea, Bielorussia, Irlanda, Serbia, Venezuala, Senegal, Cina, Libia. Scappano dalla crisi, dai neo nazisti, dall’infibulazione, dalla povertà, dalla solitudine, dalla mancanza di un futuro. Al termine dell’anno, i loro progressi decideranno in quale classe della scuola “normale” verranno inseriti. La regista Julie Bertuccelli, però, non racconta una storia triste, ma è capace di cogliere prima di tutto l’entusiasmo di quest’avventura agli inizi, le soddisfazioni più che le delusioni, le passioni più forti delle timidezze. Un film che dell’esperienza scolastica, spesso data per scontata o subìta passivamente, ricorda opportunità e privilegi, e che apre il dibattito sull’importanza delle classi (rigorosamente temporanee) di accoglienza, che possano fare da ponte per accompagnare per mano i giovani stranieri all’interno di gruppi di coetanei già chiusi e omologati. // Fra: Ils viennent d’arriver en France. Ils sont Irlandais, Serbes, Brésiliens, Tunisiens, Chinois ou Sénégalais… Pendant un an, Julie Bertuccelli a filmé les échanges, les conflits et les joies de ce groupe de collégiens âgés de 11 à 15 ans, réunis dans une même classe d’accueil pour apprendre le français. Dans ce petit théâtre du monde s’expriment l’innocence, l’énergie et les contradictions de ces adolescents qui, animés par le même désir de changer de vie, remettent en cause beaucoup d’idées reçues sur la jeunesse et l’intégration et nous font espérer en l’avenir…

ven 22 mag THE FIGHTERS (Les Combattants) Esordio alla regia pluripremiato di Thomas Cailley

Tre premi alla Quinzaine des Réalisateurs del Festival di Cannes, il Prix Louis Delluc dell’opera prima, tre César 2015, a coronare l’esordio alla regia di Thomas Cailley.
L’estate del giovane Arnaud si preannuncia tranquilla fino al momento in cui incontra Madeleine, bella, fragile e appassionata di allenamenti estremi e profezie catastrofiche. Arnaud non si aspetta nulla mentre Madeleine si prepara alla fine del mondo… Tra i due, nasce una storia d’amore e di sopravvivenza (o entrambe), fuori da ogni canone prestabilito. // Fra: Entre ses potes et l’entreprise familiale, l’été d’Arnaud s’annonce tranquille… Tranquille jusqu’à sa rencontre avec Madeleine, aussi belle que cassante, bloc de muscles tendus et de prophéties catastrophiques. Il ne s’attend à rien ; elle se prépare au pire. Jusqu’où la suivre alors qu’elle ne lui a rien demandé ? C’est une histoire d’amour. Ou une histoire de survie. Ou les deux.