A reclusive Bulgarian railway trackman finds millions of cash spilled on the tracks and turns them in to the police. When the transport ministry’s head of PR Julia Staikova decides to use him as a diversion from a corruption scandal, his simple life falls victim to the grinder of bureaucracy.


Presentato nella sezione Italia Film Fest del Bif&st 2017, il film, è la trasposizione cinematografica del romanzo di Carlo D’Amicis pubblicato da Minimum Fax. Prima produzione cinematografica della Minimum fax media, La Guerra dei cafoni, è una favola ironica e spietata sul concetto di lotta tra Bene e Male con un cast di giovani (non) attori irresistibili.
A Torrematta, territorio selvaggio e sconfinato in cui non vi e` traccia di adulti se si esclude il gestore di un capanno-bar, ogni estate si combatte una lotta tra bande: da una parte i figli dei ricchi, i signori, e dall’altra i figli della terra, i cafoni. A capo dei rispettivi schieramenti si fronteggiano il fascinoso Francisco Marinho e il cupo Scaleno. Si combattono dalla culla, trascinando nel conflitto di classe i propri “soldati”.


Featuring previously unissued photographs and video archives as well as interviews of his friends and partners in crime, “Doisneau: through the lens” tells how the kid from the poor suburbs turned superstar photographer. It draws the intimate portrait of the life and work – being so closely interwoven – of an artist fiercely determined to be a purveyor of happiness.
Director Clémentine Deroudille is a French journalist, author and curator who has also worked as a radio producer for France Culture. Robert Doisneau: Through the Lens tells the story of her grandfather.


Janis Joplin is one of the most revered and iconic rock & roll singers of all time, a tragic and misunderstood figure who thrilled millions of listeners and blazed new creative trails before her death October 4th 1970 at age 27. This in depth examination presents an intimate and insightful portrait of a complicated, driven, and often beleaguered artist.


A reclusive Bulgarian railway trackman finds millions of cash spilled on the tracks and turns them in to the police. When the transport ministry’s head of PR Julia Staikova decides to use him as a diversion from a corruption scandal, his simple life falls victim to the grinder of bureaucracy.

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National Premiere. Seeking a brighter future in megacity Manila, Oscar Ramirez and his family flee their impoverished life in the rice fields of the northern Philippines. But the sweltering capital’s bustling intensity quickly overwhelms them, and they fall prey to the rampant manipulations of its hardened locals. Oscar Ramirez catches a lucky break when he’s offered steady work for an armored truck company and gregarious senior officer Ong takes him under his wing. Soon, though, the reality of his work’s mortality rate and the murky motives of his new partner force Oscar to confront the perils he faces in his new job and life. The movie portrays how far a man can go for his family.

LIBERATION DAY > A North Korean Rock Tour

Under the loving but firm guidance of an old fan turned director and cultural diplomat, and to the surprise of a whole world, the ex-Yugoslavian cult band Laibach becomes the first rock group ever to perform in the fortress state of North Korea. Confronting strict ideology and cultural differences, the band struggles to get their songs through the needle’s eye of censorship before they can be unleashed on an audience never before exposed to alternative rock’n’roll. Meanwhile, propaganda loudspeakers are being set up at the border between the two Koreas and a countdown to war is announced. The hills are alive…with the sound of music.