SYNESTHESIA CAIRO 13 by Maged El Mahedy | in collaboration with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL

Gli ultimi straordinari trent’anni della scena artistica cinese attraverso lo sguardo di una testimone di eccezione. Monica Dematté, critica d’arte, sinologa sui generis, tra i sei stranieri che hanno avuto maggiore influenza nell’evoluzione dell’arte cinese contemporanea. Realizzato utilizzando repertori inediti riguardanti l’arte cinese contemporanea filmati a partire dal 1990, interviste dell’epoca e recenti (in italiano e/o cinese) ad alcuni dei più importanti protagonisti degli ultimi decenni, il film accompagna Monica nel suo viaggio alla ricerca e valorizzazione dello “spirituale nell’arte”, cioè degli aspetti meno materiali esistenti (dove esistenti) nella ricerca artistica, marcando fieramente le distanze dal mondo puramente commerciale dell’arte contemporanea presentata dalle grandi gallerie.
A seguire incontro con Monica Dematté (critica d’arte, sinologa), Gian Carlo Calza (docente di Storia dell’Arte dell’India e dell’Asia Orientale, Università “Ca’ Foscari Venezia”) e Du Silong (collaboratore del “Mo Art Space”)

THE SPACE IN BETWEEN. Marina Abramović in Brazil. A Road Movie

A mixture between road movie and spiritual thriller, the film brings an unprecedented approach of the intimate creative process of one of the most important artists of our time. Pioneering performance artist Marina Abramović travels through the remote areas of Brazil to experience sacred rituals and reveal her creative process amidst the wonders of the landscape. From visits with healers, sages, shamans, and sects, to intimate personal rituals and experiences within the natural landscape, the documentary follows Abramović through a profound introspective journey of memories, pain, and past experiences.

LE JEUNE KARL MARX. Dal regista candidato all’Oscar e vincitore di BAFTA e César con “I’M Not Your Negro”

Marx and Engels meet cute in this intense, fervent film about the early development of communism from I Am Not Your Negro director Raoul Peck. It’s a sinewy and intensely focused, uncompromisingly cerebral period drama, co-written with Pascal Bonitzer, about the birth of communism in the mid-19th century. It gives you a real sense of what radical politics was about: talk. There is talk, talk and more talk. It should be dull, but it isn’t. Somehow the spectacle of fiercely angry people talking about ideas becomes absorbing and even gripping.

LE JEUNE KARL MARX. Dal regista candidato all’Oscar e vincitore di BAFTA e César con “I’M Not Your Negro”

Marx and Engels meet cute in this intense, fervent film about the early development of communism from I Am Not Your Negro director Raoul Peck. It’s a sinewy and intensely focused, uncompromisingly cerebral period drama, co-written with Pascal Bonitzer, about the birth of communism in the mid-19th century. It gives you a real sense of what radical politics was about: talk. There is talk, talk and more talk. It should be dull, but it isn’t. Somehow the spectacle of fiercely angry people talking about ideas becomes absorbing and even gripping.

SOLO DI CORDATA. Esplorando Renato Casarotto. Buffet offerto da “Manna”

L’esperimento umano “di uno dei più puri e meno celebrati alpinisti di tutti i tempi” svela che cosa succede all’animo umano quando, penetrando in solitudine nella primordialità del mondo naturale, arriva a confrontarsi con l’origine.Un fedele ritratto filmico del fortissimo scalatore solitario che, ripercorrendo le sue più famose imprese alpinistiche e grazie a preziosi materiali di repertorio inediti uniti alla voce dei suoi più intimi amici e compagni di cordata, racconta, con pensieri e voce dello stesso Casarotto, la ricerca umana celata dietro l’esigenza dell’azione alpinistica immersa nella natura più selvaggia. 

DETAINED (Förvaret) A seguire Q&A con la regista Anna Parsson

Detained is an absorbing observation from within a Swedish immigration detention centre for rejected asylum seekers. The film follows detainees and staff over the course of a summer. A mother separated from her children faces deportation, a young man waits for his life to begin, and staff members struggle with the impersonal bureaucracy required of their job. With great sensibility to its characters and environment, Detained depicts the silent psychological horror faced by those held in modern detention centres and questions this crucial, global phenomenon.

THE SPACE IN BETWEEN. Marina Abramović in Brazil. A Road Movie

A mixture between road movie and spiritual thriller, the film brings an unprecedented approach of the intimate creative process of one of the most important artists of our time. Pioneering performance artist Marina Abramović travels through the remote areas of Brazil to experience sacred rituals and reveal her creative process amidst the wonders of the landscape. From visits with healers, sages, shamans, and sects, to intimate personal rituals and experiences within the natural landscape, the documentary follows Abramović through a profound introspective journey of memories, pain, and past experiences.