Cinema Detour, Via Urbana 107 Roma
October 27, Saturday 2018 h9pm
in collaboration with I WONDER Pictures

Best Director – Sundance Film Festival

by Michal Marczak (Poland 2016, 102′, o.v. sub. ita)

Many of us know the freedom of our twenties-unfettered by responsibilities or mortality, inventing ourselves in the rush of the moment. ALL THESE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS viscerally summons that feeling, chronicling life across two Warsaw summers when students Kris and Michal resolve to experience life to the limit. After Kris breaks up with his long-time girlfriend, anything seems possible and Warsaw is his playground. Along with best friend Michal, handsome and wide-eyed, they roam the metropolis at night, floating from party to party, dancing until dawn in makeshift clubs and city squares. With only instinct and desire as their guides, big ideas intermingle with drugs and sex and one thing seamlessly gives way to another. However, when Kris falls for Michal’s ex-girlfriend, the indomitable and alluring Eva, the relationship between the two best friends falls apart. Determined to find his true self Kris navigates between his memories and future hopes soon realizing that his crusade to understand life has starting to overshadow living it. In a profound and compelling celebration of cinema, filmmaker Michal Marczak captures the very heart and soul of a generation awake enough to dance to their dreams.

Cinema | Corsi e laboratori | Esposizioni | attività per bambini | Cinebar | Musica | Distribuzione indipendente

Associazione Culturale Detour – Via Urbana 107 Roma
Ingresso con tessera annuale + quota partecipativa . Pre-tesseramento QUI. Prenotazioni QUI.
Detour è affiliato all’ENAL e alla FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema)

Admission: annual membership + Entrance fee . Membership Request HERE. Seats Reservation HERE.
Detour is affiliated FICC (Federazione Italiana Circoli Cinema) and ENAL

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