ANTROPOCENE. L’epoca umana. Sundance Film Festival & Berlinale

On completion of the Global Climate Change Week 2019 Detour Cinema presents a cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive re-engineering of the planet. ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch is a four years in the making feature documentary film from the multiple-award winning team of Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky. Narrated by Alicia Vikander. | “Masterfully detailed, captivating you visually with a subtle yet haunting musical layer to tell a difficult yet necessary story.” | “To reach a better future, we have first to imagine it. Anthropocene elucidates our monstrous deeds in a way that is observational rather than condemnatory.” | “As the filmmakers release us from our trance, we emerge concerned, horrified, but hopefully motivated to do something.”. Official Selection for the Sundance, Toronto and Berlin International Film Festivals.

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…

Festa del solstizio 2019 | Phake Live @ Detour

Festeggiamo con tutte e tutti, socie e soci Detour, la notte più lunga del 2019. Dalle ore 18.30 in compagnia della musica dal vivo dei P.H.A.K.E. [folk’n’roll & spoken words dalla capitale] e le selezioni a cura di dj Paolo. PHAKE eseguiranno per l’occasione un repertorio di brani originali e standard della tradizione folk/blues con l’innesto di spoken words e recitativo musicale.

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…


Train driver Nurlan is heading to Baku for the last time before retirement. On its way round the neighborhoods of the city his train snags a blue bra off a washing line. To escape from his lonely existence, Nurlan embarks on the most adventurous journey of his life: to find the owner of this perky piece of underwear. He rents a small room in Baku and begins his quest. With great dedication, Nurlan knocks at every door along the train track. While the women he encounters have their own reasons for letting him into their private worlds, his ‘project’ does not remain unnoticed by their husbands. The more difficult it gets, however, the more creative and determined Nurlan becomes to convince every woman to try on the bra..

EL PEPE. Una vida suprema. Emir Kusturica incontra Pepe Mujica

El Pepe is the guerrilla-style cognomen of former Uruguayan President José Mujica, who led the South American country from 2010 to 2015. Double Palme d’Or-winner Emir Kusturica started work on a film when Mujica was in the last months of his presidency. A series of conversations between the two titans is the backbone to El Pepe, a Supreme Life.

Kusturica opt for an impressionistic and intimate portrait rather than photographic detail or regurgitating facts. He mixes in footage from Costa Gavras’s 1972 political drama State of Siege as representing the era. But for the most part, Kusturica is happy to sit back, smoke a cigar and let Mujica have his moment. 

The film was played out of competition at the last Venice Film Festival.

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…

ANTROPOCENE. L’epoca umana. Sundance Film Festival & Berlinale

On completion of the Global Climate Change Week 2019 Detour Cinema presents a cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive re-engineering of the planet. ANTHROPOCENE: The Human Epoch is a four years in the making feature documentary film from the multiple-award winning team of Jennifer Baichwal, Nicholas de Pencier, and Edward Burtynsky. Narrated by Alicia Vikander. | “Masterfully detailed, captivating you visually with a subtle yet haunting musical layer to tell a difficult yet necessary story.” | “To reach a better future, we have first to imagine it. Anthropocene elucidates our monstrous deeds in a way that is observational rather than condemnatory.” | “As the filmmakers release us from our trance, we emerge concerned, horrified, but hopefully motivated to do something.”. Official Selection for the Sundance, Toronto and Berlin International Film Festivals.

WINTER ADÉ. Addio inverno. Cinema DDR

Poco prima del crollo della DDR, Helke Misselwitz ha viaggiato in treno attraverso il paese, intervistando donne della Germania dell’Est di varie età e provenienze. Rivelando le loro frustrazioni, speranze e aspirazioni personali e professionali Misselwitz dipinge il quadro di una società che cambia. La proiezione fa parte della rassegna 1989 | 2019 – TRENT’ANNI SENZA MURO curata da Federico Rossin e Alessandro Del Re e distribuita da Reading Bloom. La selezione è volta a presentare al pubblico uno spaccato di vita nell’ex DDR a cavallo del 1989.


“Il più influente fotografo vivente” scriveva qualche anno fa The New York Times. Scomparso recentemente all’età di 94 anni, Robert Frank resta tra i più innovativi fotografi documentaristi americani (autore del pionieristico “The Americans” assieme a Jack Kerouac) e il regista iconoclasta di film seminali come “Pull My Daisy” e “Cocksucker Blues”, realizzato con i Rolling Stones. Un artista schivo e rigoroso he ha rifiutato fino alla fine ricchezza e celebrità e le cui simpatie andavano a coloro che, come lui, nella vita hanno sempre dovuto lottare. Restio a interviste e interventi in pubblico e segnato profondamente da tragedie personali, Frank ha esplorato con dolore sentimenti complessi, mescolando sapientemente vita e lavoro e facendo in modo che fossero le sue opere a parlare per suo conto.