HERSTORIES. The Stories, feminine plural. Tales of women from the past, the present and the future. Second Edition

L’obiettivo principale di HerStories. Le Storie, Plurale, Femminile è intraprendere un percorso di narrazioni collettive al femminile. Questa seconda edizione è dedicata alla narrativa al femminile e al disegno dal vero. Due forme d’arte, due linguaggi, che si incontrano per stimolare un dialogo fertile, un’interconnessione tra stimoli artistici e culturali. Un ciclo di letture accompagnate da performance basate su disegni realizzati dal vivo ispirati brani stessi, confluiranno in quattro brevi book-trailers.
Per iniziare questa nuova avventura, nella sede del Detour APS il 21 novembre, la Maestra di Pittura Olga Silivanchyk terrà un corso di “disegno veloce” che preparerà le disegnatrici e i disegnatori a cimentarsi nelle performance che avverranno negli appuntamenti successivi.
Federica Tuzi, Sara Pollice, Maria Xilouri, Marina Lalović, quattro protagoniste della nuova narrativa indipendente europea, tra esordienti e più affermate, si alterneranno alla lettura di estratti delle loro più recenti creazioni letterarie.


Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…

On The Road Film Festival 7 Short Movies Competition > Il Programma

We are delighted to announce the Short and Medium-length International Competition for the ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL, 7th Edition. A truly indipendent festival without any public funding. Both feature films and shorts/medium length films in competition will be screened at Detour Arthouse Cinema within a period of two consecutive weekends, from 14 to 16 and from 21 to 23, February 2020.
The Award Ceremony will be held on the night of February the 23rd.
Based at the legendary DETOUR Arthouse Cinema, in the heart of Rome since 1997, ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL is devoted to contemporary independent cinema – fiction, documentary and experimental – presenting travelogues, urban and waste-land wanderings, real or imaginary topographies, unexpected detours, psycho-geographical drifts, migration and nomadism.

On The Road Film Festival 7

We are delighted to announce the official selection for the ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL, 7th Edition. A truly independent festival. Both feature films and shorts/medium length films in competition will be screened at Detour Arthouse Cinema within a period of two consecutive weekends, from 14 to 16 and from 21 to 23, February 2020.
The Award Ceremony will be held on the night of February the 23rd.
Based at the legendary DETOUR Arthouse Cinema, in the heart of Rome since 1997, ON THE ROAD FILM FESTIVAL is devoted to contemporary independent cinema – fiction, documentary and experimental – presenting travelogues, urban and waste-land wanderings, real or imaginary topographies, unexpected detours, psycho-geographical drifts, migration and nomadism.

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…

THE BREADWINNER – I racconti di Parvana

Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana’s mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away.
As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason…