Giovedì 26 Febbraio ore 20.30

Detour on the Road Film Fest presenta


The State of Insanity

di Francesco Cordio. Con Luigi Rigoni (Italia 2014, 72’)

Nel corso della serata presentazione della graphic novel OPG. Socialmente pericolosi
 di Antonio Recupero, Iacopo Vecchio  (Round Robin Editrice 2014)

A seguire incontro-dibattito con il regista Francesco Cordio, Antonio Recupero
 e Annalisa Zanuttini del comitato direttivo di Amnesty International Italia


In Italia esistono 6 OPG, comunemente chiamati manicomi criminali, all’interno vi sono rinchiuse circa 1000 persone. Il racconto in prima persona di un attore, ex-internato in uno di questi ospedali, s’intreccia con le riprese effettuate, senza preavviso, in questi luoghi “dimenticati” anche dallo Stato.

In Italy there are 6 OPG, commonly called criminal asylums, in which about 1500 people are locked up. The first-person account of an actor, ex-inmate in one of these hospitals, is intertwined with scenes filmed, without prior notice, in these places that have been “forgotten” about even by the State. These facilities have remained substantially extraneous and impermeable to the reformed psychiatric culture, and the mechanism of detention has not been effected by the law passed in 1978 that called for the closure of psychiatric hospitals. The film intends to accompany, and to let the spectator experience, these places where people, since the beginning of the 1900s, have been exiled and dehumanized by pharmacological treatment, by the degradation of solitary confinement cells and by restraint beds.

A seguire incontro con il regista Francesco Cordio