Cosmopolis 2G Film Awards > Evento Conclusivo 2017

Appuntamento sabato 16 dicembre, dalle ore 16 in al nuovo Teatro MC Giaime, presso la Scuola Principe di Piemonte a Roma (zona Garbatella, San Paolo) per l’evento conclusivo della prima edizione di Cosmopolis, contest di cinema e video rivolto a giovani filmmaker e artisti di seconda generazione in Italia. Proiezioni, incontri con autori e filmmakers, interventi di associazioni g2, premiazione dei film vincitori del contest. Ingresso libero e gratuito fino a esaurimento dei posti disponibili.
Il progetto è ideato e promosso dall’associazione culturale Cine Detour di Roma e sostenuto da SIAE e Mibact nell’ambito del bando “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaborazione con Biblioteche di Roma.

Cosmopolis 2G Film Award Film Workshop #5 > Produrre un documentario indipendente

Cosmopolis 2G Film Award // Film Workshop #5 a ingresso gratuito al Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo. Laboratorio dal titolo “Produrre un documentario indipendente” e proiezione del film “Il Successore”, di Mattia Epifani con la sceneggiatura di Francesco Lefons. // Cosmopolis 2G Film Award è il primo contest di cinema e video per giovani filmmaker e artisti di seconda generazione in Italia. Il progetto è ideato e promosso dall’associazione culturale APS Detour e sostenuto da SIAE e Mibact nell’ambito del bando “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”. In collaborazione con Biblioteche di Roma si rivolge ad artisti residenti sul territorio italiano che al 31 dicembre 2017 non abbiano compiuto il 35esimo anno di età.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

COSMOPOLIS FILM AWARDS – Call for Entries 2017

Cosmopolis Film Awards is the first film and video contest aimed at 2nd generation filmmakers and artists living in Italy.
CFA is promoted by Detour Arthouse Cinema in Rome with the support of SIAE and Mibact, in connection with the invitation “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaboration with Biblioteche di Roma and Roma Multietnica, targeted at young artists residing in the territory of Italy, aged less than 35 years during the entire 2017 calendar year. 2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works.
2nd generation artists – filmmaker, screenwriters, authors, actors, etc. – are welcomed to attend and submit their audiovisual works. Thematic lines & topics: the discovery of the Other, new global cultures, relations between identities and communities of values, clash of cultures, daily life in urban/suburban contexts, etc. Films will be selected on the basis of their aesthetique and language skills. Winning films for each category will be screened to a public audience in the presence of the authors and members of the Selection Committee. Other screening events will be held at Public Libraries in the Municipality of Rome. Registration at the contest is free of charge Winners of each category will get cash prizes and other special mentions.

Cosmopolis Film Awards – Call for Entry 2017

Cosmopolis 2G Film Award è il primo contest di cinema e video per giovani filmmaker e artisti di seconda generazione in Italia. Il progetto è ideato e promosso dall’associazione culturale APS Detour e sostenuto da SIAE e Mibact nell’ambito del bando “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”. In collaborazione con Biblioteche di Roma si rivolge ad artisti residenti sul territorio italiano che al 31 dicembre 2017 non abbiano compiuto il 35esimo anno di età.