Roma Cinema Detour, Via Urbana 107 Roma
Le repliche di primavera

In collaboration with CineAgenzia & Internazionale


The Detour untraceable.

Mondovisioni. As in the past, Cine Detour is showing these international documentaries in 2018. 6 extraordinary, informative and highly-topical films regarding human rights, chosen from the most prestigious international festivals. Mondovisioni presents the complexity of the world we live in: “how it is”, moving, profound, exemplary stories. This new edition takes us to Brazil to denounce the evangelical turn in national politics through the battles of the young gay parliamentarian Jean Wyllys, in Finland to see fear and European racism from a new and worrying perspective. Then to India with the ground-breaking political phenomenon of the Party of the Common Man and its leader, the committed anti-corruption campaigner Arvind Kejriwal, and to Africa to tackle Female Genital Mutilation with the courageous young activist Jaha Dukureh.


di Guido Hendrikx. Paesi Bassi 2016, 72’. V.o. inglese e olandese, sottotitoli italiano

“A brutally direct lesson in the realities of European Refugees Politics” F. Halligan, ScreenDaily
In a classroom newly arrived refugees learn a lesson about multifarious Europe. Operating at the intersection of fiction and documentary, “Stranger in Paradise” reflects on the power relations between Europeans and refugees in a candid fashion.

di Patrick Farrelly e Kate O’Callaghan. USA/Gb/Gambia 2017, 81’. In inglese e mandinko, sottotitoli in italiano
Like most other girls in Gambia, Jaha Dukureh was circumcised when she was very young. Her marriage was arranged when she was eight, and as a 15-year-old she got married to a 40-year-old man in New York. ‘Jaha’s Promise’ is a touching story about a young girl’s struggle to take control of her own body, and about having the courage to confront her father, the politicians and the community that surrounds her. An extremely important political document in a world where over 200 million women live with the devastating consequences of female genital mutilation, which is still being practised in 30 countries. The story of Jaha is thus the story about the suffering of countless other women – and about one woman’s courage to confront a global taboo, which like few other topics divides people’s opinions. A strong film about an even stronger woman, and an experience that lingers on long after you have left the cinema.

di Elina Hirvonen. Finlandia 2017, 91’. In finlandese e inglese con sottotitoli in italiano.

Financial inequality, lack of vision, fear and anger especially towards asylum seekers, has been growing rapidly in Europe, also in Finland. People are increasingly afraid that their home environment is becoming unrecognizable and undesirable. Populist demagogues have risen to harness these fears and to raise people against each other. In the middle of all this turmoil are two men, Oula (46) and Tapio (71). Although they disagree on almost everything, they have decided to continue their weekly discussions in a public sauna in Helsinki. They continue because they respect each other, and because they understand that when conversation ends, violence begins. “Boiling Point” is an award-winning documentary film by director and writer Elina Hirvonen. The film paints a shocking image of contemporary Europe, but also looks for a common ground between strongly opinionated groups of people.

di Khushboo Ranka e Vinay Shukla. India 2016, 98’. In hindi e inglese con sottotitoli in italiano

After the anti-corruption protests, Arvind Kejriwal along with his team members forms a new political party to fight the Delhi elections. The mark of a good documentary is that you forget that the events unfolding on the screen are not fiction. An Insignificant Man achieves that and even surpasses it. Arvind Kejriwal becomes a character in a movie on his own life as David-like, he takes on the political champions during his debut in the Delhi legislative assembly elections. Filmmakers Khushboo Ranka and Vinay Shukla place themselves square in the midst of the chaos in the capital and offer a ringside view to the viewers of how a political party is formed and how elections are fought. 

ENTRE OS HOMENS DE BEM (The Stranger in the House)
di Caio Cavechini e Carlos Juliano Barros. Brasile 2016, 106’. In portoghese con sottotitoli in italiano.

Brazilian Congress is hostage to a so called ‘bullets, beef and bible’ conservative bench. Jean Wyllys is the stranger in this House. The documentary follows the only openly gay congressman in the most conservative Congress of Brazil’s democracy, in his support of gay marriage and other progressive bills, rendering an in-depth portrait of the country’s troubled times. Once a pop star celebrity, winner of the biggest local reality show, Big Brother Brazil, now he puts his fame at risk by confronting the religious majority, and becomes an activist under life threats, target of online hate, the Brazilian Harvey Milk living in one of the deadliest countries for homosexuals, while the rest of the world sees an increase in legislative tolerance.


di Christian Tod. Austria/Germania 2017, 95’. In inglese e tedesco con sottotitoli in italiano.

What would you do if your income were taken care of? Just a few years ago, an unconditional basic income was considered a pipe dream. Today, this utopia is more imaginable than ever before – intense discussions are taking place in all political and scientific camps. FREE LUNCH SOCIETY provides background information about this idea and searches for explanations, possibilities and experiences regarding its implementation.

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Cinema | Corsi e laboratori | Esposizioni | attività per bambini | Cinebar | Musica | Produzione Distribuzione indipendente
Via Urbana 107 Roma
Tutti i film sono proiettati in lingua originale con sottotitoli in italiano.
Tessera associativa annuale 4€ + Contributo alla proiezione 5€
Admission: membership card 4€ + movie ticket 5€
Art-house cinema in Downtown Rome since 1997. 
All movies are screened in their original languages with Italian or English subtitles