THE FIRST SHOT – Q&A with director Yan Cheng

Three young chinese, three distant and diverse existences caught in a same tension: the search for one’s own identity and the sense of “being” in a present of continuous transformation. All of them was born in China after 1989, the end of all the revolutions. On their shoulders lies a contradictory history and the suffering of the continuous transformation, from the fall of the imperial to the modern era, that began from the First Shot, back in 10.10.1911.

IL CINEMA DI XAVIER DOLAN > I Workshop di LONG TAKE finalmente a Roma!

A grande richiesta, per la prima volta, i workshop di LongTake sbarcano a Roma! Dopo tanti eventi di successo a Milano, un appuntamento al Cine Detour (via Urbana 107), a pochi passi dal Colosseo e dalla Stazione Termini, con un workshop per conoscere più da vicino il cinema di un autore giovane ma già completamente affermato nel panorama cinematografico mondiale: 28 anni e sei lungometraggi all’attivo per un talento tutto da ammirare (e da scoprire). Un incontro per focalizzarsi sulla filmografia di Xavier Dolan e sviscerare i temi a lui più cari: il rapporto con la madre, la diversità, il disagio giovanile, l’importanza della musica nel suo cinema, tentando di intraprendere un percorso che ci porti ad avvicinarsi al suo pensiero e alla sua poetica.

FLAY AWAY HOME (Maikäfer flieg) > Official Selection Giffoni Film Festival

Nomination Best Film Cinema Awards KURIER ROMY 2017. Vienna 1945: The powder keg of war and the Russian occupation as seen through the innocent eyes of nine-year-old Christine. She knows as little about peace as children today know about war. Bombed out and penniless, she and her family are put up in a fancy villa on the outskirts of Vienna. They now have a roof over their heads, nothing more. After the German soldiers capitulate, the Russians take over the house. Everybody is scared of the Russians, who are believed to be a capricious lot. Everybody, except Christine.

SYNESTHESIA CAIRO 13 by Maged El Mahedy | in collaboration with AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL

June 2013, Maged returned to Cairo – after the January 25, 2011 revolution that led to Mubarak’s fall – to make a documentary about the Sphinx and to relaunch tourism in Egypt. He has faced with another revolt, this time against the democratically elected president Morsi and his government of the Muslim brotherhood.
Maged has been overwhelmed by events and entered into a state of Sinesthesia in which he rediscovered an intimate part of his childhood by revealing fragments of his identity divided between Egypt and Italy

I REMEMBER (Bîra mi’ têtin) > Kurdish cinema by Selim Yıldız

The people of Roboski, a village on the border of Turkey and Kurdistan, have been living off illegal trade for centuries. They witness massacres and keep losing their relatives and friends. In the end, not many of those capable of smuggling remain. The serenity of the mountains, a herd of donkeys and memories of a man who has seen the Turkish horrors and remembers it all. SELIM YILDIZ (1985) was born in Van, Kurdistan. While studying photography, he worked as a builder. He organized the exhibitions 113 years of resistance – Kurdish media and Child Migration. In 2013, he spent 29 days with Kurdish soldiers (PKK) and made his first documentary 29.

FREE LUNCH SOCIETY. Reddito di cittadinanza: utopia o realtà? [I documentari di INTERNAZIONALE]

What would you do if your income were taken care of? Just a few years ago, an unconditional basic income was considered a pipe dream. Today, this utopia is more imaginable than ever before – intense discussions are taking place in all political and scientific camps. FREE LUNCH SOCIETY provides background information about this idea and searches for explanations, possibilities and experiences regarding its implementation.