MILES AHEAD. The last screening!

English o.v. with Italian subtitles. In the midst of a dazzling and prolific career at the forefront of modern jazz innovation, Miles Davis virtually disappears from public view for a period of five years in the late 1970s. Alone and holed up in his home, he is beset by chronic pain from a deteriorating hip, his musical voice stifled and numbed by drugs and pain medications, his mind haunted by unsettling ghosts from the past. “MILES AHEAD is not just about the music. It’s about what we all face at one time or another in our lives; questions about who we really are, what we have to say and how will we say it. How will we ultimately be defined and who gets to say so?”

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

DOLPHIN MAN | OTRFF5 > Out of Competition

Discover the story and legacy of free-diver Jacques Mayol, whose life became the inspiration for Luc Besson’s cult-movie “The Big Blue”. Dolphin Man draws us into the world of Jacques Mayol, capturing his compelling journey and immersing viewers into the sensory and transformative experience of free-diving. The film weaves together stunning contemporary underwater photography of the world’s leading free-divers with intimate testimonies of Mayol’s closest friends and rare film archive, to discover how the “dolphin man” brought a new consciousness to our relationship to the sea and to inner-selves.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Il Detour festeggia il mezzo secolo di Corto Maltese, il popolare eroe creato da Hugo Pratt, con un evento speciale: il ritratto d’autore dedicato dal regista Nino Bizzarri al celebre cartoonist veneziano.
Chi non conosce le storie di un marinaio iniziato, dandy e solitario, generoso, spavaldo e imperscrutabile, gli occhi trasognati del gentiluomo di fortuna, l’uomo interamente umano, di nome Corto Maltese?
Ora — una legge non scritta vuole che dietro un personaggio così amato ammirato e splendente, si nasconda un uomo di taglia modesta, di gran lunga inferiore alla propria creatura.
Non è il caso di Corto Maltese, il cui creatore, Hugo Pratt, è a sua volta una rivelazione. Maestro di avventura, incantatore vagabondo, moderno cavaliere errante, ha dispiegato la sua stupefacente esistenza tra Venezia e il resto del mondo senza avere nulla da invidiare alla leggenda del suo eroe disegnato.

Cosmopolis 2G Film Awards > Evento Conclusivo 2017

Appuntamento sabato 16 dicembre, dalle ore 16 in al nuovo Teatro MC Giaime, presso la Scuola Principe di Piemonte a Roma (zona Garbatella, San Paolo) per l’evento conclusivo della prima edizione di Cosmopolis, contest di cinema e video rivolto a giovani filmmaker e artisti di seconda generazione in Italia. Proiezioni, incontri con autori e filmmakers, interventi di associazioni g2, premiazione dei film vincitori del contest. Ingresso libero e gratuito fino a esaurimento dei posti disponibili.
Il progetto è ideato e promosso dall’associazione culturale Cine Detour di Roma e sostenuto da SIAE e Mibact nell’ambito del bando “Sillumina – Copia privata per i giovani, per la cultura”, in collaborazione con Biblioteche di Roma.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Italian Premiere screening of Iñigo García’s latest intense on the road movie, as part of THE BASQUE WEEK IN ROME: two men walk. They run away. They cross varied landscapes like migratory birds looking for a warmer place, a better place. “Bi txirula” is a travel. A travel where the characters reflect on the life and the chance of a better world while they manage to survive.

ENDLESS POETRY by Alejandro Jodorowsky

Through Alejandro Jodorowsky’s autobiographical lens, Endless Poetry narrates the years of the Chilean artist’s youth during which he liberated himself from all of his former limitations, from his family, and was introduced into the foremost bohemian artistic circle of 1940s Chile where he met Enrique Lihn, Stella Díaz Varín, Nicanor Parra… at the time promising young but unknown artists who would later become the titans of twentieth-century Hispanic literature. He grew inspired by the beauty of existence alongside these beings, exploring life together, authentically and freely. A tribute to Chile’s artistic heritage, Endless Poetry is also an ode to the quest for beauty and inner truth, as a universal force capable of changing one’s life forever, written by a man who has dedicated his life and career to creating spiritual and artistic awareness across the globe.

MIRNA. Per il ciclo Fuori Norma a cura di Adriano Aprà

Ultima opera di un cineasta anomalo come pochi e straordinariamente tenace, Mirna rappresenta la summa del cinema di Salani: storia di una donna, storia di un amore, storia di un viaggio e insieme sotterraneo autoritratto e sublime metafora dell’identità artistica. A partire da un incipit che ricorda quello de L’ultima notte di quiete di Valerio Zurlini, scivolando su acqua, paesaggio, musica e promettendo poesia, Salani realizza un cinema estremo, puro, libero, e scava con la sua camera in un’identità ‒ la sua, dietro quella di Mirna ‒ che misteriosamente si afferma con spontaneo coraggio e inevitabile autonomia.

LEPANTO – Último cangaceiro. Per il ciclo Fuori Norma a cura di Adriano Aprà

Il film si pone come strumento di riflessione sulla realtà contemporanea, muovendosi tra cronaca post-coloniale e la storia d’amore di Michael e Marie, più intima e personale. Protagonista è Michael J. Wells, già interprete del documentario precedente The Golden Temple. La sua voce racconta l’impatto dei giochi olimpici sul territorio della città, inteso come spazio vitale e umano. La battaglia di Lepanto, evocata nel titolo, ricorda uno scontro di civiltà epocale, in questo caso lo scontro tra movimenti di resistenza brasiliani e fautori del grande evento olimpico. Il film adotta la tecnica narrativa della fiaba e mostra la metamorfosi del protagonista in ultimo cangaceiro, figura mitica di brigante combattente nel Brasile della fine dell’800. Accoglie inoltre l’insegnamento della Pedagogia dell’Oppresso di Paulo Freire, importante filosofo brasiliano, costretto all’esilio durante la dittatura militare.