Prenotazioni [versione in italiano] /Switch to Italian version by clicking here

Welcome to our online seats reservation system!
A few simple rules:

> In order to reserve your seat you either have to be a member of our film-club for the current year, or to have requested our annual membership, by filling in the form at

> Reservation is valid until 30 MINUTES before the screening/event starts, after that your seats will be available for other members;

> Only a limited portion of seats in the screening room is available by reservation. If you cannot find the show you are looking for, that means that it cannot be booked or that it has reached the maximum limit of available booked seats; 

> ‘Standby’ tickets may be available on the door;

> Seats are not numbered. We operate a first-come, first served allocation of places.If you wish to choose your place, you should arrive early, so as to allow enough time to do so;

If you wish to cancel your booking please inform us, by writing an email to:

Please scroll down here to access the reservation form.